
With the spread of the corona virus pandemic in the world, this event was held online!

Afam Events Institute in collaboration with Bozen University in Italy, interactive social design workshop: design speculations taught by Dr. Jennifer Schubert; holds

Humans exist as part of larger institutions in social groups and communities, whose interaction is as meaningful and important as individual interaction with digital technologies. Design is fundamentally concerned with creating meaningful artifacts, and “meaning comes from social interaction with fellow human beings.” Designing for social interaction is an important issue to consider in the field of interaction design, as computational technologies permeate more and more aspects of life. They permeate our daily lives and as such are part of creating the social spaces in which we live. As designers face the challenge of designing and facilitating forms of social interaction, the complexity of this design space can be overwhelming.

In this workshop, Ms. Dr. Jennifer Shubert, assistant professor at the Azad University of Bozen, Italy, answered the questions of how to design and describe interactive spaces in two sessions. Who should we design social spaces for? What and how can we influence through design? and Chesit’s interactive social design speculations answer.

Ms. Dr. Jennifer Schubert; He is the author of two specialized books in the field of social design and has published more than 10 specialized articles on industrial design in ISI journals and international conferences. This workshop is for all industrial designers, graphics, interior design, etc., who are interested in interactive design; it is suggested. It is mandatory for the participants to know English. A translator will be present at the workshop.

Items needed: Any recycled materials such as cardboard, plastic sheets, pipes, wooden pieces, tapes, pens, and replicating tools. This workshop will be held on February 8 and February 9 from 4 to 6 in the evening.

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Dr. Jennifer Schubert

Bozen-Bolzano University Memeber

Call to Register
February 8, 2021
December 21, 2020
Workshop Holding