International Conference on Marketing and Design Portugal 2018

The history of the first designs is very old. It can be said that the oldest designs are related to the time when humans lived in caves. The paintings in Lascaux and Altamira caves in France are examples of this type. It has been speculated that the purpose of these motifs is to prevent natural disasters and increase strength in nature. The early human drawing tools were very primitive and they used burnt wood along with animal fat and tallow.

Between the 16th century and the 19th century, the importance of design compared to the importance of coloring was the main debate of Western artists, and on this basis, the Florentine art of Nicola Poussin and Inger was distinguished from the Venetian art of Rubens and Delacroix. In the Far East, there was no border between painting and drawing, and the brush was considered the main tool of both branches. In Iran after Islam, drawing was considered as a plan for painting, and first they drew the design on paper with colorless lines and then painted it. At the end of the 10th AH/16th century, drawing became independent from painting, and artists such as Reza Abbasi, Mohammadi And Sheikh Muhammad perfected it.

Therefore, Portugal’s Algarve University and Afam Institute of Arts are planning to organize the International Marketing and Design Conference (ICMD 2018) in October 2018 in Portugal. Since marketing is expanding in different branches, inter-discipline interaction for both disciplines can be a way to enter the workplace more optimally.

It is an exceptional opportunity for university professors, students and researchers to exchange and share their experiences and research results related to various topics related to design and marketing fields. This international event, which will be held on October 26 and 27, 2018 in Faro, Portugal, has provided the fields for the development and excellence of theoretical knowledge, transfer of experiences and participation in transdisciplinary researches for researchers of both fields.

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Articles Scope
  • Digital marketing and social media;
  • Marketing and Design: Common Points;
  • Brand and Branding;
  • Creativity and collaborative creation;
  • Smart cities;
  • Interaction design;
  • Communication design and marketing;
  • Product-service design and marketing;
  • Business design and management;
  • Innovative and human-centered processes;
  • Customer relation management;
  • Design management;
  • Environmental design;
  • Design thinking;
Call to Articles and Design Concept
May 21, 2018
Holding Conference
August 23, 2017
Results to Articles and Design Concept
August 17-18 2018