International Conference on DESIGN (Architecture, Interior Architecture, Industrial Design) 2019

Art is a phenomenon that has always played an effective role in human life and has been considered by thinkers for a long time. If different intellectual, political and religious schools consider art as an efficient means for the development of different concepts and knowledge in the society and have used it in human education in a way that suits their goals. Most of the researchers in the field of art agree on the fact that art is one of the oldest human and social phenomena, it has existed in different periods of different cultures and societies, and it has played a significant role in all social issues and its epistemic role in the period Various aspects of the material and spiritual life of the society have played in a special way.

Combining science and art and their interaction with each other can make life easier for people to understand and lead them to their goals. Therefore, one can realize the important place of design in everyday life and understand the need to pay attention to it as much as possible. One of the goals of holding this conference is to transform the invisible into the visible in the immaterial realm, in the sense of transforming the invisible preparation processes in design (which are before the production of new buildings and industrial products and compounds) into phenomena. Visible and understandable.

Therefore, Al-Zahra University Faculty of Arts, in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Commerce of Iran and Afam Institute of Arts, are planning to hold an international conference under the title of Architecture, Interior Architecture, Industrial Design Conference. Another goal of this conference is to establish new and creative concepts in the common fields of architecture, interior design, industrial design and other topics related to the conference’s themes. The Secretariat of the International Design Conference proudly invites all specialists, experts, students, researchers and scientists of scientific, research and industrial centers to participate in this important international event by participating in the various programs of this conference and presenting the latest scientific and operational achievements. themselves, provide the ground for achieving the above goals.

Between the 16th century and the 19th century, the importance of design compared to the importance of coloring was the main debate of Western artists, and on this basis, the Florentine art of Nicola Poussin and Inger was distinguished from the Venetian art of Rubens and Delacroix. In the Far East, there was no border between painting and drawing, and the brush was considered the main tool of both branches. In Iran after Islam, drawing was considered as a plan for painting, and first they drew the design on paper with colorless lines and then painted it. At the end of the 10th AH/16th century, drawing became independent from painting, and artists such as Reza Abbasi, Mohammadi And Sheikh Muhammad perfected it.

Therefore, Portugal’s Algarve University and Afam Institute of Arts are planning to organize the International Marketing and Design Conference (ICMD 2018) in October 2018 in Portugal. Since marketing is expanding in different branches, inter-discipline interaction for both disciplines can be a way to enter the workplace more optimally.

It is an exceptional opportunity for university professors, students and researchers to exchange and share their experiences and research results related to various topics related to design and marketing fields. This international event, which will be held on October 26 and 27, 2018 in Faro, Portugal, has provided the fields for the development and excellence of theoretical knowledge, transfer of experiences and participation in transdisciplinary researches for researchers of both fields.

Therefore, Al-Zahra University Faculty of Arts, in cooperation with the Society of Interior Architecture Engineers of Iran and the Afam Institute of Arts, are planning to hold an international conference on the interaction between industrial design and interior architecture. One of the goals of this conference is to establish new and creative concepts in the common areas of architecture, interior design, industrial design and other topics related to the conference’s themes. The Secretariat of the International Design Conference proudly invites all specialists, experts, students, researchers and scientists of scientific, research and industrial centers to participate in this important international event by participating in the various programs of this conference and presenting the latest scientific and executive achievements. themselves, provide the ground for achieving the above goals.

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Article & Design Concep
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Article & Design Concept Concept


  • Design in the direction of materials;
  • Sustainable products, services and energy;
  • Design for sustainable economy and businesses;
  • Design to promote sustainable behaviors;
  • Environmental design and preservation;
  • Role of design in the water crisis;
Article & Design Concept Concept

Entrepreneurship and industrial production

  • Architecture and industrial design approach in the field of new businesses;
  • Examining the challenges ahead in the business environment in the fields of architecture, interior architecture and industrial design;
  • A different view and approach to entrepreneurship in the fields of architecture, interior architecture and industrial design;
Article & Design Concept Concept

Education and future research

  • New trends in architectural education, interior architecture and industrial design;
  • The role of scientific-workshop activities in teaching architecture, interior architecture and design;
  • The place of design education with the help of software in the development of architecture, interior architecture and industrial design;
  • Comparison of engineers (industrial designers) and designers (architects) with an emphasis on their educational methods;
  • The relationship between technology and the understanding of the world in the education of architecture, interior architecture and industrial design;
  • The role and place of rationalism and empiricism in the education of architecture and industrial design;
  • The importance and application of training centers and their communication methods with the professional environment;
  • The future of architecture and interior architecture and the direction of world designers in accordance with today’s technology;
Article & Design Concept Concept

New technologies

  • Industrialization and prefabrication in architecture, interior architecture and industrial design;
  • New technologies and design process;
  • Intelligence, media and design process in architecture, interior architecture and industrial design;
  • Improvement and optimization of materials and construction methods with the approach of recyclability of materials;
  • Continuity of design and production and application of materials in the process of architectural design and interior architecture as a comprehensive process;
Article & Design Concept Concept

Iranian design

  • Investigating the effects of non-Iranian architecture on native architecture and interior decorations;
  • The use of symbols in Iranian-Islamic architectural styles in interior architecture;
  • The dynamics of Iranian motifs in interior architecture;
  • Design approach based on native architecture;
  • How to use the concepts and aesthetic patterns of Iranian architecture and native artifacts in environmental design;
  • The position of Iranian carpets in interior design, the direct and indirect effects of carpets on design and interior design and furniture;
Article & Design Concept Concept


  • Factors affecting the performance of stone and construction materials export based on the approach based on producer resources;
  • The effect of new marketing on the export of handmade carpets;
  • sustainable development and export of products (furniture, carpets, building materials, etc.);
  • The impact of customer-oriented exports on the financial performance of exports;
  • The role of design and design creativity in the development of handwoven carpet exports;
Call to Articles and Design Concept
January 26, 2019
April 21, 2018
Results to Articles and Design Concept
February 21-22 2019