Internatinal Confernce on DESIGN (Interaction between Industrial design and interior architecture) 2016

Art is a phenomenon that can have a direct effect on the human soul. The highest thing expected is to establish a spiritual connection with the human psyche. Architecture is one of the most complete and inclusive arts by creating space, leaving no doubt that it has an undeniable impact on human life and soul. Basically, humans create a relationship between themselves, the environment, and the things around them. This means that she adapts herself to physical objects. In fact, by combining her environment with her intentions, while adapting to the conditions that the environment puts on her, she makes it meaningful. That is, the objects distinguish her environment and determine its quality and character. Meanwhile, the design of living spaces is introduced in the field of architecture and interior architecture, and objects are formed in the field of industrial designers. Therefore, it is obvious that the cooperation of interior designers with industrial designers can be effective in improving spaces and have an undeniable impact on human life and spirit. Industrial design has the same role in the design of industrial products as the architect has in building design. She must know the needs and provide the best artistic solution. In fact, the interior architecture is more than just responding to the functional needs of a building program. The need for art and beauty, on the one hand, and the need to be functional and practical, on the other hand, are integral principles of sciences and arts such as interior architecture and industrial design. This similarity between interior architecture and industrial design is the difference between these two arts from countless other art disciplines.

Therefore, Al-Zahra University Faculty of Arts, in cooperation with the Society of Interior Architecture Engineers of Iran and the Afam Institute of Arts, are planning to hold an international conference on the interaction between industrial design and interior architecture. One of the goals of this conference is to establish new and creative concepts in the common areas of architecture, interior design, industrial design and other topics related to the conference’s themes. The Secretariat of the International Design Conference proudly invites all specialists, experts, students, researchers and scientists of scientific, research and industrial centers to participate in this important international event by participating in the various programs of this conference and presenting the latest scientific and executive achievements. themselves, provide the ground for achieving the above goals.

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Article & Design Concept
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Articles Scope
  • The effect of space design, furniture, lighting on people’s souls;
  • The role of interior architecture and industrial design in the design of pavilions and light structures;
  • Theoretical foundations and knowledge of interdisciplinary concepts of interior architecture and industrial design;
  • Aesthetics in industrial design and interior architecture;
  • visual arts research in interior architecture and industrial design;
  • New design approaches in interior architecture and industrial design with the perspective of Iranian design;
  • The role and impact of interior architecture and industrial design in the quality of life;
  • Creativity in interior architecture and industrial design;
  • New materials and technologies in interior architecture and industrial design;
  • Ergonomics and anthropometry in interior architecture and industrial design;
  • The role of interior architecture and industrial design in sustainable development;
  • The influence of furniture design and lighting in interior architecture;
  • Comparative comparison of design thinking in interior architecture and industrial design;
  • Design methodology in interior architecture and industrial design;
  • Research method in interior architecture and industrial design;
Design Concept Scope
  • Photography with the theme of the interaction of interior architecture and industrial design with the focus on Iranian lifestyle;
  • Interior architectural design of residential spaces;
  • Interior architecture design of commercial and office spaces;
  • Interior architecture design of cultural, artistic and religious spaces;
  • Designing the interior architecture of educational spaces;
  • Interior architecture design of health spaces;
  • Furniture design based on Iranian lifestyle;
  • Lighting design of office, residential and commercial spaces;
Call to Articles and Design Concept
February 4, 2018
April 21, 2017
Results to Articles and Design Concept
February 28-29, 2018